topic I will talk about the controversy about Attention-Deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The perceptions of the diagnosis as it is
defined in the DSM- IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders).
The attention-Deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is most common in children, more often in boys than girls. This problem is characterized by lack of attention, impulsivity, over-activity or a combination. if the child has atypical standards of behaviour according to age the child can be diagnose as ADHD
This syndrome is cause by damage in some parts of the brain (prefrontal cortex) and lower levels of chemicals in the brain (dopamine and noradrenaline) .
The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that is believed to
control memory recall, focusing, problem solving, managing frustration;
all of them are called executive functions. In addition, the chemicals
in the brain are involved in the executive functions, so imbalance of them also affect the glucose levels. If levels of dopamine and noradrenaline are low the brain is incapable to use the glucose. Decrease the quantity of glucose means less energy causing the symptoms in the some parts of the brain.
In order for the treatment to success the family and therapist have to work together. The treatment is a combination of medications and therapy. The stimulants in specific amphetamines are used to treated children diagnosed with ADHD. This drug increase dopamine and norepinephrine activity. Also, the amphetamines increased the blood pressure and can
lead to heart failure and stroke, accelerate the respiration, heart
rate and alertness.Repeated high doses may cause brain damage and it is
so addictive.There is inevitable consequences when heavy users stop
taking the drug such as : sleep for 1 to 2 days waking up depressed,
exhausted and irritable.
Some parents and physicians argue whether or not the use of drugs is beneficial in long or short term. Some physicians believe that the therapy has more benefits in patients and their families than drugs. In contrast, some people believe that in order for the treatment success the patients have to receive medication. Some physicians argue that the people have to understand the differences of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate (LDX) from other amphetamines products. The LDX is the most common amphetamine use as a treatment of this syndrome. LDX is bound to an essential amino acid (L-lysine) that makes the amphetamine component inactive. That’s means that LDX does not have the effects of the amphetamines.
Personally, I think it is important an accurate diagnosis. The ADHD is consider a mental disorder. Therefore, It is associate with a bad brain functioning. in some cases the drugs are not necessary for successful treatment. According to the Finland’s study the medication makes no difference between the adolescents who had not received medication and the adolescents who had, both were doing well socially and academically (Smoyac, 2008) . In addition, Some ADHD medicines have been linked to rare sudden death in children with heart problems. The therapy should be the primordial treatment in case that the therapy does not work then consider the medications as second option or a combination of both. The therapy involved the family in the treatment.
Smoyak,S.(2008).Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Psychological Nursing, 46(8), 8-9.Retrieved from
Article of general information of ADHD in children.
Causes of ADHD children.
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