Monday, 27 February 2012

The Controversy Behind Attention-Deficit hyperactivity disorder

Today’s topic I will talk about the controversy about Attention-Deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The perceptions of the diagnosis as it is defined in the DSM- IV-TR  (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders). 


The attention-Deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is most common in children, more often in boys than girls. This problem is characterized by lack of attention, impulsivity, over-activity or a combination. if the child has  atypical standards of behaviour according to age  the child can be diagnose as ADHD 
This syndrome is cause by damage in some parts of the brain (prefrontal cortex) and lower levels of chemicals in the brain (dopamine and noradrenaline) .  

The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that is believed to control memory recall, focusing, problem solving, managing frustration; all of them are called executive functions. In addition, the chemicals in the brain are involved in the executive functions, so imbalance of them  also affect the glucose levels. If  levels of dopamine and noradrenaline are low the brain is incapable to use the glucose. Decrease the quantity of glucose means less energy causing the symptoms in  the some parts of the brain.

 In order  for the treatment to success the family and therapist have to work together.  The treatment is a combination of medications and therapy. The stimulants in specific amphetamines are used to treated children diagnosed with ADHD. This drug increase dopamine and norepinephrine activity. Also, the amphetamines increased the blood pressure and can lead to heart failure and stroke, accelerate the respiration, heart rate and alertness.Repeated  high doses may cause brain damage and it is so addictive.There is inevitable consequences when heavy users stop taking the drug such as : sleep for 1 to 2 days waking up depressed, exhausted and irritable.


Some parents and physicians argue whether or not the use of drugs is beneficial in long or short term. Some physicians believe that the therapy has more benefits in patients and their families than drugs.  In contrast, some people believe that in order for the treatment success the patients have to receive medication. Some physicians argue that the people have to understand the differences of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate (LDX) from other amphetamines products. The LDX is the most common amphetamine use as a treatment of this syndrome.  LDX is bound to an essential amino acid (L-lysine) that makes the amphetamine component inactive. That’s means that LDX does not have the effects of the amphetamines.  


 Personally, I think it is important an accurate diagnosis.  The ADHD  is consider a mental disorder. Therefore, It  is associate with a bad brain functioning. in some cases the drugs are not necessary for successful treatment. According to the Finland’s study the medication makes no difference between the adolescents who had not received medication and the adolescents who had, both were doing well socially and academically (Smoyac, 2008) . In addition, Some ADHD medicines have been linked to rare sudden death in children with heart problems. The therapy should be the primordial treatment in case that the therapy does not work then consider the medications as second option or a combination of both. The therapy involved the family in the treatment.  

Smoyak,S.(2008).Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Psychological Nursing, 46(8), 8-9.Retrieved from 

 Article of general information of ADHD in children.

Causes of ADHD children.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

What's Credible?

In these days we go to the internet searching   solutions about physical or mental illness.  On the internet we are looking for alternative treatments or cure. The despair leads us to believe everything we read. Most of the time we found information that is not credible. How we can identify credible information? In this post I analyze SAKOON  the web site that promise to be the “No.1 Herbal Remedy for Anxiety & Insomnia” that does not have any secondary effects. Also, I will  search proper information regarding to  herbal Remedy for anxiety and insomnia.  

At first appearance this web site seems to have truthful information. But I found five aspects that make me think about the credibility of this web site.
The first aspect is the absence of information about the company which is selling this product. You cannot believe in a product that does not provide information of the company. In addition, the sellers make a claim that is not support by any kind of evidence. They say is proven in scientific studies. what kind of studies? they do not provide details.


 Furthermore, they do not provide information of the content of each pill and how it works. Moreover, there are not explanations of the linked between the improvement of the memory, sleep disorders and stress. "The regular use of Sakoon improves memory" how improves memory?. They do not explain how improve the memory and at the same time insomnia and anxiety.

 Finally, the presence of other herbal pill advertisements. Most of the time, the presence of advertisements is not a good sign, especially if the information does not come from recognized organization or company.

In this video I just want to illustrate how the people easily can be deceived. This video is just a commercial about the use of alternative medicine. But it is curious that he does not mention the herbs that are involved in the creation of this product. Also do not explain in detail who it works and why is safer than drugs.

 The consumption of herbs helps us in some psychological problems.There is prove that the herbal medicines like Ginko improve memory problems. This information has experimental evidence that  explained in detail by a physician how  309 patients with  mild to severe dementia. The Ginko improve the general symptoms  of the illness. but in this study was prove that the Ginko have side effects.  The consumption of the herbs has to be control by trained people.(The ‘Natural Health Service’: natural does not mean safe.)

 In addition, that is true that some herbs are used to relieve anxiety and insomnia such as Kava Kava (Piper methysticum).This alternative medicine product lowers cortisol release under physical and mental stress. This information is scientifically proved by many studies realized in animals and humans. What the General Psychiatrist Should Know About Herbal Medicine is a good source of information because we know that the department of psychiatry of the Medical center in New York is providing us the information. In addition, at the end of the article we have access of the references .The references that were used in this article. I found credible information that helps me to understand that not always the use of complementary and alternative medicine is bad.

In conclusion. we Do not have to  believe everything that is  on the internet. We have to evaluate health information. We have to consider. First of all, the source. Second, the currency of the information. Third, the author (who is saying it). Next, the evidence that is provide. Finally does the information make sense?